Athletes will congregate in front of the magnificent East window of our stunning 12th Century Cathedral. Running from the cathedral round the cobbled Fisher Street you will pass the award winning Tullie House museums original Victorian entrance.
After passing Radio Cumbria studios and Tullie House’s modern rotunda entrance. You will reach the Caldew gate entrance through ancient city wall defense. Take a flight of steps up onto the Millennium Bridge. The bridge takes you over the controversial 1970s 4 lane highway.
The steps off the bridge deliver you directly in front of the Norman Castle. A short run along the front of it at the ruined castle walls you will turn left slightly downhill then uphill to continue your Carlisle Castle tour. High above the park below, running to the far corner of Castle a sharp left awaits and a gentle drop back down toward Millennium Bridge to complete the Castle loop. Onto Devonshire Walk then left turn into the tree lined avenue leading to Sheepmount Sports Stadium.
When reaching the Sheepmount go straight across the ring road and run along the river bank coming up the steps and under Eden Bridge carrying straight on past the Sands Centre and following the trail round to St Adians Road Bridge. Turn right after the bridge and follow the track to the right. You will then complete a well signed / marshalled circuit of Rickerby Park taking you back over St Adians Road Bridge. Retracing your steps back to the finish at the rear of The Sands Centre.
Race Information
Date/Time – Wednesday May 7th 2025
Start – 19:15
Race Licence – TBA
Location – Race HQ is The Sands Centre, Carlisle, CA1 1JQ
Facilities – Toilets for both male/female are available at the Sands Centre.
Race Numbers – Race numbers and timing chips etc. will be issued at race registration.
Race day information – If any updates are required to the race information they will appear on this page and social media. Important updates will also appear on the Sport in Action home page.
Registration – 17:45 – 18:40 at the Sands Centre. please don’t leave it to the last minute this will only delay the start.
Safety Briefing – 18:40 at the Sands Centre, when the race briefing is finished please make your way to the start for a prompt 19:15 start.
Please keep to the left at all times please bear in mind there will pedestrians & traffic on paths/roads please be courteous. Caution should be taken at all turns. Marshals are there to assist you they are not there to make decisions for you, so please make sure you are safe at all times. This is a UKA licensed event only bone conductor heads phones are allowed.
Course – The start is outside the entrance to the Cumberland Building Society on St Mary’s Gate and the Finish is Lamp post No6 at the back of the Sands Centre. Athletes are requested to follow the race director’s instructions and be aware of the dangers of cars and cyclists.
See link for Route Map
Risk Assessment – A full course risk assessment will be on display at the event HQ on race day together with maps of the route, the race permit and the measurement certificate in accordance with UKA rules.
Prize presentation – Prizes for the 1st 2nd & 3rd Male & Female finishers will take place approximately 10mins after the 3rd Male or Female competitor has finished. The remaining age group prizes will be paid via BACS payment within 7 days this is to allow for any queries.
Results – The results will be available live online approx. 20mins after the start, go to: http://www.timingupnorthresults.co.uk/
Prizes – 1st, 2nd & 3rd Male & Female. Age Groups – These prizes will be awarded as follows Male or Female age groups with less than 17 competitors 1st Place only, Male or Female age groups with 18 to 27 competitors 1st & 2nd place and Male or Female age groups with 28 or competitors 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes will be awarded.
Any age grouper that finishes in an overall prize position (1st, 2nd or 3rd Male or Female) will receive the overall prize. That age group prize will then roll down to the next person in that age category. The third place prize will not be less than the age group winner.
Some clubs that have taken part
Any queries events@sportinaction.co.uk